Torbram Electric Supply Announces Corporate Name Change: City Electric Supply (CES)

Apr 17, 2018
Torbram Electric Supply, with over 68 Canadian branches and still growing, is refreshing its brand with a name change. Torbram services and strengths will remain the same, but throughout 2018 customers will see such branding changes as new branch signage and digital platform, all showing the City Electric Supply name.
Torbram Electric Supply, with over 68 Canadian branches and still growing, is refreshing its brand with a name change. Torbram services and strengths will remain the same, but throughout 2018 customers will see such branding changes as new branch signage and digital platform, all showing the City Electric Supply name. City Electric Supply is a Canadian company that is part of a privately owned electrical wholesale network. Established in 1951, the network has 900 locations in Canada, the U.S., Australia, Western Europe and the U.K. “The name change brings forth the opportunity to grow in a more unified manner,” the company says.