Rep Talk is a place where the voices of manufacturers’ reps are heard. Here, they connect, share, and inform channel partners on trending topics in the Canadian electrical industry.
Third-party manufacturers’ representatives are an extension of the electrical manufacturers they represent. Reps offer unique characteristics that make them valuable to the partnership channel with suppliers and distributors. Are you an electrical rep and passionate about the electrical industry? Do you have fascinating stories to share about your experiences in the industry? We’re seeking electrical reps to participate in showcasing the vital role you play in powering Canada. The distributor community wants to hear about your experiences from challenges and opportunities to technologies and training.
Submit your stories or proposals to the Kerrwil team at owenhurst@kerrwil.com. Proposals can be a suggested topic for guidance or submit a completed original and non-published story/article on a topic of interest to the distributor community. For more information, contact Owen Hurst at owenhurst@kerrwil.com or Daniela De Marco at ddemarco@intralec.com.