Power2Feed 2014

In August 2008, a group of executives in the Canadian electrical wholesale industry banded together to form the Industry’s “Hungry for Change” committee. Their objective: to raise funds by connecting fun events to fundraising in support of Canadian Feed The Children’s efforts to provide nutrition to children in need here in Canada and elsewhere.
The idea was basic: encourage industry members to hold events such as BBQs or golf tournaments, and use these events to generate donations from attendees.
The committee set a first year goal of $25,000 because of the campaign’s late start, but strong support for the cause generated $187,500 that first year. By the end of 2013, the campaign — now known as Power2Feed — has contributed $1,118,000 toward improving the quality of children’s lives.
The 2014 Power2Feed campaign kicks off in March. Watch for more information in upcoming issues.
Wayne Donaldson has served as Chair of committee since the Power2Feed campaign began in 2008.