City Electric Supply Donates $100,000 to Make-A-Wish Canada

City Electric

Dec 17, 2018

On December 11, City Electric Supply (CES) hosted an event for staff, family and vendors in Vaughan, Ontario to celebrate A landmark achievement of raising $100,000 to Make-A-Wish Canada (MAW), an organization that helps grant wishes to kids with life-threatening medial conditions.

Each of CES’ 68 branches were challenged to raise $500 through various fundraising activities all year round, such as the Rope for Hope Challenge, Pie-in-the-Face Contest, Silent Auctions, Charity Car Washes, Bar-B-Qs, etc. Most branches surpassed their target by doubling and tripling the goal amount. Through donations from generous vendors, customers and non-branch staff members, the company was able to collect $50,000, which amount was equally matched by company owner Thomas H. Mackie.

CES’ contribution to MAW will enable the charity to grant 10 children and their families, facing life-threating medical conditions, a wish close to their heart, giving them a reprieve from their hospital stay/visits, ultimately restoring a sense of childhood back to the children and instilling some normalcy in their lives. 

Everyone at the event — 141 adults and 37 kids — gained first-hand insight on MAW’s importance in the life of sick children, such as 16-year-old Stephanie, who was born with Omphalocele, a serious birth defect, where the intestine and other abdominal organs are outside the body. After numerous surgeries and hundreds of invasive treatments, Stephanie has defied all odds. Today, she is a happy young girl whose wish to go to Disneyworld was granted by this incredible charity.

Guests at the event were treated to a banquet dinner (sponsored by Premise LED) and raffle prizes of amazing gifts. The Wish Family was presented with a Dyson Cordless Vacuum Cleaner and gift cards. The young ones at this event enjoyed a free Powerplay Card of arcade games for the entire evening, along with surprise visits from Spiderman, Princess Belle, Star Wars Storm Troopers and jolly-ol’ Santa himself, who handed out $30 Toys R Us gift cards to each child’s delight.

On December 11, City Electric Supply (CES) hosted an event for staff, family and vendors in Vaughan, Ontario to celebrate raising $100,000 to Make-A-Wish Canada…

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