White Paper: All Warehouse Management Software is Created Equal and Other Myths of Purchasing a WMS

July 25, 2019
Distribution is more complex than ever. There’s extra pressure to minimize costs, maximize labor productivity and meet increasingly demanding shipping deadlines. You need to be able to adapt quickly to change and still meet all the “rights” (time, location, product, quality).
A robust Warehouse Management System can help you stay on top of today’s distribution challenges.
JDA Warehouse Management Features
The newest versions of JDA WMS are mobile – that puts you and your supervisors on the floor with employees with real-time information at your fingertips. Role-based dashboards make it easy for everyone to see the data they need to get the job done.
Some JDA customers who have implemented WMS report:
up to 50% reduction in dock-to-stock time99.8% or better inventory visibility and accuracy25% or more reduction in fulfillment costs10 to 35% reduction in inventory storage and handling costs
Why is a shorter Warehouse Management System implementation timeframe important?
Keeping the WMS implementation time shorter means your costs are lower. Open Sky’s methodology and approach are designed to make your JDA WMS implementation rapid (less than six months) so you can start seeing the benefits of your new system faster.
Go HERE for more information on the white paper