Q4 2018 Business Confidence Survey: Good News for Q4 2018; Optimism Slips for 2019

Jan 27, 2019
Two out of three respondents to Electro-Federation Canada (EFC)’s Q4 Business Confidence Survey believe their Q4 2018 business was better or much better compared to Q4 2017; 14% reported worse sales and 19% reported no change.
EFC’s quarterly Business Confidence Survey invites all key association contacts to participate. Respondents are asked to compare their current quarter and next quarter sales, against the same period last year. A record 103 key member contacts provided their feedback for this latest poll.
Among the key findings:
• only 56% of respondents expect Q1 2019 sales to be better/much better compared to Q4 2018
• looking ahead one year, 68% of all respondents believe sales will improve. However, when asked this same question in Q3 2018, this number was much more optimistic, at 84%.
Comments Included:
• expect some relief from trade tensions offset by some weakness in market.
• tariffs continue to affect the bottom line
• economy is still a huge concern in the west
• concerned about headwinds facing the Canadian economy and overall uncertainty regarding trade
See the full results here: www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-K8N2ZVXCV/