Leaders vs. Followers

Feb 16 2016
Jim Taggart
What initially attracted me to EFC was the number of great industry leaders that were involved with the association (Doug Baldwin, Michael Kenny, Dick Waterman and Harald Henze, to name a few). I wanted to be like them; they always had time for others and were supportive of the electrical industry. These leaders encouraged me to get involved in EFC and make my own contribution.
Our industry was built by these great leaders; they had persistence, determination and vision. They not only got involved, but they were results driven. They mentored and developed people (including me), and constantly tried to make themselves and those around them better.
I found this quote online and loved its significance (source unknown)”
• Followers always have an excuse…
• Leaders always have an idea…
• Followers always blame others…
• Leaders fix the situation…
• Followers make promises…
• Leaders keep commitments…
• Followers let it happen…
• Leaders make it happen…
• Followers say, “Why don’t they do something about it?’
• Leaders say, “What can I do to help?”
• Followers live in the past…
• Leaders live in the here and now.
Our industry needs you to step up and be a leader. There are numerous ways to do so: get involved in your product section, volunteer for an EFC committee, attend this year’s Halifax conference, get involved with YPN, attend regional EFC events, or help promote our industry charity — Power2Feed.
Getting involved in EFC certainly helped my career; I was able to build an industry network of friends that pushed me forward. Yes, I volunteered my time and resources, but the benefits have certainly outweighed the efforts.
Please help EFC and support your industry. It just might help your career.
Read more in CEW from Jim Taggart:
– We Need to Engage More Women in the Industry. Me included
– Not Your Typical Industry Association
– Breaking Through the Age Barrier
– Amazon: Friend, Foe or Frenemy?
– Electrical Industry – Mergers and Acquisition
– Understanding and Responding to Disparity
Profile: Jim Taggart: A Steady Hand, A Stellar Career
Jim Taggart is President, Electro-Federation Canada.