IoT: Hard to Change Old Habits

Photo of Paul Eitmant

 July 25, 2017

Paul Eitmant

I came across an article from Jim Lucy, Chief Editor, Electrical Wholesaling, concerning the Internet of Things (IoT) within the electrical industry.

I was not totally surprised the survey conducted for the article still shows hesitation to accept IoT within our industry. Appearing below is a summary of Jim Lucy’s article.

IoT-enabled electrical devices are still in the early days of mainstream adoption, but some distributors and their customers have already bought into the Internet of Things. 

Several end users who responded to a survey of subscribers to the Illumination Insider e-mail newsletter that EW publishes with Electrical Construction & Maintenance (EC&Malso had some interesting comments on where IoT fits in the lighting world. IoT is apparently not for everyone, and concerns over system security surfaced in the survey. An electrical engineer with a Boston-based engineering-consulting firm is getting a cool reception on IoT from many customers. “Most of my clients request that no wireless or IoT be used on their facilities since they are convinced that wired controls are more reliable and not subject to glitches from the data network or by being hacked over the Internet,” he said.

The IoT is already having a major impact on the market, and it’s time to look where it touches your product portfolio and operations.

I know that we all have WiFi devices (Smart Phones, Desk Tops computers and Notebooks) we use everyday that connect us to the Internet.

At the same time, we use the Internet to pay bills, order products and play our favorite music without thinking that the old way was better way.

Companies like Next thermostats and security products, Samsung refrigerators and Amazon products all use Wi-Fi capabilities, and have been very successful in this new emerging marketplace.

Bottom line: it’s time for electrical manufacturers to promote faster adoption of the concept in our electrical industry so all of use can benefit from this emerging marketplace.

Paul Eitmant is President and CEO of IP Group International, which serves the needs of business-to-business enterprises in over 30 countries worldwide by adding specialized expertise to the business planning and implementation process; Tel: 480.488.5646;

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