Schneider Electric Launches Wiser Air Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat with Eco IQ

July 17, 2017
Schneider Electric’s Wiser Air Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat, featuring the new Eco IQ self-learning feature, is now available across Canada.
While most smart thermostats need users to constantly input desired temperature set points, Eco IQ is a self-learning algorithm that only requires users to provide feedback when they’re not comfortable.
The new feature takes the guesswork out of determining what temperature is optimal for users and allows Eco IQ to quickly learn and leverage feedback to create a comfortable heating and cooling plan.
“Created by our building automation and HVAC experts at Schneider Electric’s Building Automation and HVAC centre in Montreal, Eco IQ is the most advanced self-learning algorithm on the market today,” says Richard Henzie, Marketing Director, EcoBuildings, Schneider Electric Canada. “Eco IQ challenges the very idea of set points and doesn’t require Canadians to set temperatures and schedules. It not only focuses on energy savings but also on creating a comfortable environment.”
In addition to producing a more comfortable and efficient environment, Wiser Air with Eco IQ makes use of Schneider Electric’s weather service, WeatherSentry, the number one ranked forecasting service for nine consecutive years. Utilizing these forecasts, the Eco IQ feature learns how long it takes to change the temperature in the home in all types of weather and plans ahead to start heating or cooling just in time to hit users’ preferred target temperatures.
Key features of Wiser Air include:
- Eco IQ — a self-learning algorithm that finds the perfect temperature for consumers without requiring them to enter their own temperature set points.
- Wiser Forecast — Wiser Air incorporates Schneider Electric’s industry-leading weather forecasts, which is the technology’s first use in a consumer application. Wiser Forecast provides extreme weather alerts and allows homeowners to adapt to the latest weather information, before leaving the home, increasing home comfort and energy efficiency.
- Comfort Boost — delivers 15-60 minutes of on-demand heating or cooling at the touch of a button to promote optimal comfort without affecting thermostat settings and schedules.
- Smart Sensors — Smart Sense sensors automatically interact with the user when the user is near, and respond to real-time changes in temperature and light.
- Wiser Pulse — Conveniently provides a status update with just a glance at the user-configurable ambient glow, enabling homeowners to be more aware of their energy use.
- Ready Modes — ready-mode functionality allows homeowners to easily tweak their energy schedule to their personal settings with one touch.
- Advanced Scheduling — flexible scheduling and automatic programming features help homeowners easily maximize energy savings.
The most intelligent climate control solution on the market, Wiser Air is now available at for a suggested retail price of $249. Find out more about Wiser Air with Eco IQ:
Read about the team behind Schneider Electric’s Wiser Air with Eco IQ in EIN’s exclusive coverage: