It’s Awards Season!

Oct 27, 2018
By Carol McGlogan
I must admit, awards season excites me. I’m a true fan of the glitz and glam of the Emmys, Grammys and Oscars. There is nothing better than celebrating talent and excellence — and our industry is no exception.
Earlier this year, we recognized several members for their leadership in the industry. Our inaugural Corporate Engagement Award was presented to Standard Products for their commitment to corporate excellence and strong EFC engagement. John Sencich, Thomas & Betts (retired), was honoured with the Industry Recognition Award; Jason Prevost, Standard Products received the Trailblazer Award; and Peter Saccomanno, Lutron, was honoured with the CEMRA Person of the Year Award. These recognitions represent outstanding personal contributions to both our industry and electrical community.
At EFC’s Future Forum on November 6, we will continue our recognition of talent and excellence by celebrating our industry’s outstanding performance in marketing. An external panel of marketing experts reviewed industry submissions and made their selections for winners in
• integrated marketing
• digital
• merchandising and display
• events and trade shows
• social and sustainability campaigns
Common to all winners was an articulation of clear objectives, defined target audiences and key performance indicators. Winners successfully impacted recruitment, customer experience, customer loyalty, product sales, industry partnerships, and community giving. Above all, winners contributed to the positive brand impact their programs delivered, which has a longer shelf life than any single initiative.
The marketing award winners will walk away with the hardware and recognition which is very much deserved. At the same time, we know that winners thrive on continuous improvement and conquering the next challenge. Future Forum is designed to inspire our marketing and sales community with new information and strategies to keep that “winning edge” in the marketplace. “Connecting Customers” is the theme of this year’s event. Topics like connecting through social listening, customer journey mapping, the evolution of PR from analog to digital, and practical advice on direct marketing will all be explored.
There is no end to a winner’s journey. Make the trip to Future Forum on November 6 to learn about what works in marketing and be inspired by what you can do for your organization. Visit to register.Carol McGlogan is President & CEO, Electro-Federation Canada.