Electrozad Awarded Carlo Gavazzi Outstanding Distributor Award in London, Ontario

Aug 13, 2018
The award was presented by Wes Otten, Area Sales Manager for Carlo Gavazzi in Southwestern Ontario and received by Electrozad’s Jake Weiche, Sales Manager, Robert Reilly, Director Industrial Automation, and Dave Kruk, VP and General Manager.
The award was presented by Wes Otten, Area Sales Manager for Carlo Gavazzi in Southwestern Ontario and received by Electrozad’s Jake Weiche, Sales Manager, Robert Reilly, Director Industrial Automation, and Dave Kruk, VP and General Manager.Carlo Gavazzi manufactures, markets, and sells a broad range of products for industrial automation, energy and renewable energy, and building automation.
Its automation components including: sensors, switching devices, control products, and fieldbus and eco-energy products for industrial automation.Electrozad Supply is the largest independently owned electrical distributor in Southwestern Ontario, providing Electrical and Automation solutions from the industry’s most in-demand manufacturers.