Electrimat adds Electrical Distribution and Lighting Specialists

April 13, 2021
Electrical Distribution Specialist, Pierre Mercure makes it his duty to build strong business relationships based on mutual trust with each of his clients in order to quickly acquire an in-depth knowledge of their real needs. It offers expertise that enables it to set up an outstanding service in terms of personalized submissions to the needs of each entrepreneur, detailed validation of the list of needs, strategies for major projects, analysis of real needs and assistance for design build projects.
Lighting Specialist, Michel Caron is distinguished by his many years of experience working with electricians, manufacturing agents and lighting distributors. It is recognized, among other things, for its support service in terms of design build (commercial, industrial, institutional, residential and performance quotes), lighting calculations, assembly of return-on-investment calculation documents (ROI), grant management and the monitoring of specifications for architects, engineers and designers.