CSA Z460 Control of Hazardous Energy Standard Now Available in French

The unexpected or deliberate dangerous energy release has a very real risk of serious injury or even death. CSA Z460 can help companies to adopt safety best practices and demonstrate due diligence for preventing injuries caused by electric current. Updates include requirements and specific performance targets for the procedures, techniques, designs and methods of protection of workers against injuries caused by the inadvertent release of hazardous energy.
The CSA Z460 standard, paired with Z462 – electrical safety at work and Z463 – maintenance of electrical systems, and the 2012 Canadian Electrical Code, first part, can help workplaces establish an effective electrical safety program.
Find out more about Z460-F13 – Maîtrise des énergies dangereuses: Cadenassage et autres méthodes: http://shop.csa.ca/fr/canada/maitrise-des-energies-dangereuses-cadenassage/z460-f13/invt/27022592013