Lumen Inaugurates Its 4th Order Assembly Station

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Sept 26, 2019

A Friday night, the end of summer, the weather is mild, and 2,500 people — customers, suppliers, dignitaries, journalists, and end-users from several regions of Quebec — gathered on September 20 to visit the new automated and robotic facilities of Lumen’s distribution centre in Laval, Quebec.

Visitors were invited to proceed through an order, from receipt to delivery, and to observe the advanced technology used to process and complete it. We had already been invited to visit the Laval distribution centre following its robotization four years ago. The evolution continues.

“We have added a fourth 32-ft high control assembly and third row (OSR – robot) station containing 57 robots,” said Serge Leblanc, president of Lumen. “In addition, we acquired a new palletizer robot that has the capacity to handle 600 boxes per hour.” These major investments were, according to the company, necessary to support Lumen’s growth and better meet the needs of its customers.

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