Open Sky Group: Myths to Buying Warehouse Management

Aug 19, 2019
Distribution is more complex than ever. There’s extra pressure to minimize costs, maximize labor productivity and meet increasingly demanding shipping deadlines. You need to be able to adapt quickly to change and still meet all the “rights” (time, location, product, quality).
A robust Warehouse Management System, like JDA WMS, can help you stay on top of today’s distribution challenges. An experienced and highly responsive team with warehouse management systems implementation expertise, like Open Sky Group, can help you effectively and efficiently implement supply chain software like JDA WMS.
Because we are a gold implementation partner and reseller of JDA Software, you can purchase software licenses for JDA Warehouse Management, Labor and Transporation Management through us. We conduct software demonstrations and reference site visits, the same types of things you’d experience if you were working directly with any software vendor.
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