Jade Hosick Appointed Events and Marketing Coordinator

March 8, 2023
EFC proudly announces that Jade Hosick has been promoted to Events and Marketing Coordinator. Jade will continue to report to Nathalie Lajoie, Director, National Events and will also work closely with Daniela De Marco, Marketing Manager.
A Brief Look: Jade Hosick
Jade Hosick has been with the organization for just over a year and has demonstrated advanced skills, superior planning, leadership, along with a stellar work ethic. She has also provided exceptional membership service during this time. Both regionally and nationally, Jade has been an asset in supporting the golf tournaments, the annual conference, the industry awards program interviews, and much more.
In her expanded role, Jade will lead events for the Ontario Energy Network (OEN), as well as continue supporting EFC’s various national programs, while taking on more network responsibilities, and support Ontario region events and marketing. We look forward to the successes ahead for Jade in her events and marketing dual role.